how to use a mailing-list

Mihamina Rakotomandimby mihamina at
Sat Apr 7 14:04:17 UTC 2012

On 04/07/2012 04:50 PM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> it is not the job of my mail-client repair mistakes of others
> They are only mistakes in your mind. The normal way to reply is to use
> reply all

Completely wrong.

- The normal way to "answer to all" is "reply all"
- The normal way to answer on the list is "reply list" ("reply to 
list",... depending on the software)
- The normal way to answer in private is "reply to sender" (or equivalent)

"Replying to all" by default is a moron behaviour.
Sending explicitely a message to someone who doesnt want that is spam 
(although some mistakes are forgivable): If some want only to receive 
message from a mailing list, you should ask before talking in private 
(explicite "To:" or "Cc:).

You choose who to answer to, and you are responsible if you dont double 
check who are you replying to. And people are quite right to blame you 
if you hit the "send" button without being sure you have the correct 
recipients. That includes the fact you are blamable whan you use a 
screwed MUA.


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