named IPv6 errors (network unreachable)

Braden McDaniel braden at
Sat Apr 14 06:20:14 UTC 2012

My /var/log/messages is littered with entries like this:

        Apr 14 01:11:41 knock named[900]: error (network unreachable) resolving '': 2001:500:60::29#53
        Apr 14 01:11:41 knock named[900]: error (network unreachable) resolving './DNSKEY/IN': 2001:500:2f::f#53
        Apr 14 01:11:41 knock named[900]: error (network unreachable) resolving './NS/IN': 2001:500:2f::f#53

This is on a (Fedora 16) box where I installed and then uninstalled
FreeIPA; and possibly this situation has something to do with that.  I
gather this has to do with IPv6 support; but I'm not sure whether I need
to enable IPv6 support somewhere, disable IPv6 support somewhere, or
where I should be doing either of those things.

Braden McDaniel <braden at>

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