Problem with Yum to upgrade Fedora 17.

Davi Garcia contact at
Fri Apr 20 16:42:23 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Thanks for all feedback! Sorry about post question to the wrong list and
about my poor problem description. Let me try explain better:

I never decided to install Samba or Samba4 in my workstation, these
packages were installed by default. I know that I'm using F17 that is still
in beta, but I didn't know that alpha packages were being pushed to that
repository. My problem is basically that Yum is not able to upgrade my
system without use "--skip-broken".

Since Ed Greshko confirmed that is a known issue, I'll wait the fix. What
is very confusing is why do we have alpha packages in a beta repo?

Again, sorry about any inconvenience.

Best regards,
Davi Garcia
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