Problems starting net-snmp

Alex mysqlstudent at
Wed Apr 25 02:33:19 UTC 2012


I'm trying to get started with net-snmpd and I can't figure out how to
get it started. I ran the "snmpconf -g basic_setup" script (after the
default didn't work), and I can't get it to listen on any interface
other than localhost:

# netstat -tap|grep snmp
tcp        0      0 localhost:smux              *:*
     LISTEN      28588/snmpd

I've tried modifying the /etc/sysconfig/snmpd file to include my IP
address, but it still doesn't work. I've tried running it with the
most basic options with my IP address and it still doesn't work:

# snmpd -c snmpd.conf-new 64.XXX.YYY.5:161

# ps ax|grep snmp
28588 ?        S      0:00 snmpd -c snmpd.conf-new 64.XXX.YYY.5:161

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

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