Disabling NetworkManager

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Tue Dec 4 13:43:37 UTC 2012

Allegedly, on or about 03 December 2012, Matthew Miller sent:
> Actually, I think it's not just okay to talk about upcoming changes
> here, but a really good idea. I apologize for just giving the Gnome
> version and not mentioning the corresponding Fedora version, but in
> any case I was not talking about testing Fedora or commenting on the
> test release -- just noting what's coming up for all Gnome users. 

There's a difference between talking about what comes next, and just
talking about something that isn't in the release yet as if it pertains
to an issue someone is having with a current release.

i.e. My comment about right-clicking on the icon to get to the
configuration options, that seems that nobody on this list with
NetworkManager configuration problems EVER bothers to bloody try out
before posting messages about it not working.  And your, misleading in
this context, comment about there being no difference between left or
right clicking.  Misleading, because with the current, and prior
releases, there is an important difference.

[tim at localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.6.8-2.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 27 19:35:02 UTC 2012 x86_64

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