Best way to make sakis3g and Network Manager/FC coexist?

M. Fioretti mfioretti at
Thu Dec 13 17:24:28 UTC 2012


I have a laptop running FC16 x86_64 with all updates applied.

Today I set it up to connect it via 3g network with the sakis3g script

(I'm asking here for support both because the problem **seems** 
Fedora-specific, and because the sakis3g support forum is offline)

The script works as expected:

  - the led on the key turns stable blue, which is supposed to mean
    just that

  - ifconfig lists a ppp connection up and running with a public IP

however, this isn't enough to connect, because /etc/resolv.conf
contains x.x.x.x as DNS1 and DNS2

When I manually insert there valid IP addresses of DNS servers,
everything works.

The question is: what is the best way/best practice to make this work
automatically every time, even if the laptop is connected half the
time via Ethernet cable + DHCP, and half the time with this (or any
other) 3G modem key managed by sakis3g? Since that script does indeed
a great job of talking to the key, I'd rather keep using it (*), but I
must also integrate it in the Fedora/network manager way of doing


(*) I **did** set up internet connections completely by hand on Linux
when 56K ppp links were "broadband", and could do it again if really
necessary, but it's one of the things I'm happy I was allowed to
forget, if you know what I mean..

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