Getting to F18

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Tue Dec 18 08:05:02 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-12-17 at 17:23 -0500, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
> well my sister installed Ubuntu a while back.,...(version 
> 10.04) and because she couldn't get a grasp of the "Workspace"
> features and Unity she "scrapped the entire thing, she's only recent;y
> returning to it me.....she's intrigued by something
> that  WORKS...but is different! I guess it takes all kinds huh?..

Only the other day, I had a friend of a friend ask me to fix up their
computer, *and* ask if they could have an alternative to Windows because
they were sick of its problems.  It's only the second time I've put
someone onto Linux with it being their idea to avoid Windows.

These days, I try to avoid getting involved in fixing people's
computers, I liken it to being asked to clean out their blocked toilet
with bare hands.

I did try out Ubuntu, and didn't like what they'd done with Gnome
either, so it's running on the fallback scheme, which works mostly like
Gnome 2.  You get a sanely organised menu, and applications don't share
a common toolbar, and it's easier to use multiple applications at the
same time.  The changes did away with a menu; muddied up the difference
between controlling the program you're using, or something else, with
that very Mac-like common toolbar; and it was a right pain having to
shovel programs out of the way to get to some way of launching another
one, then trying to get back to one that was already running.

[tim at localhost ~]$ uname -r

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