Can anyone recommend a good video editing tool?

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Mon Dec 24 17:43:37 UTC 2012

Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 24.12.2012 18:05, schrieb Bill Davidsen:
>> I am looking for something to edit video and snip a few passages out to save. Something like audacity for video. I
>> am loading avidemux as I type, but the avi format seems to have limitations which are much more restrictive
> who said avidemux is only for AVI-files?
The review from which I found the package started the paragraph with "If you are 
using AVI files..." and the name is suggestive. As noted I'm downloading the 
package now to try, but the server seems busy, since other network stuff is 
going as usual.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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