reducing PDF file size in Fedora

Dale Dellutri daledellutri at
Thu Dec 27 16:22:08 UTC 2012

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:17 AM, Ranjan Maitra
<maitra.mbox.ignored at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to reduce the file size of my PDF in Fedora.

You don't give enough details to help much, so I'll ask some questions.

1. Is the content all text?
2. What tool created it?
3. Are there images in the PDF?
4. How much compression from its current size do you need?
  (What its current size, what does it need to be?)

If the content is all text, and you used some standard tool to
create it, it may already be compressed as much as it can be.
If there are images, have you made sure that the images are
as low-res as possible, and as cropped as possible (before adding
them to the document)?  Smaller image files will make a smaller

Then, you can get a long list of PDF tools:
  # yum list all | grep -i pdf

Dale Dellutri

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