( Long Post)Re: Yum and Fedora 16 -- focus on "new/moved filesystems"

Frank Murphy frankly3d at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 19:04:54 UTC 2012

On 09/02/12 18:53, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 02/09/2012 10:34 AM, Frank Murphy wrote:
>> On 09/02/12 18:30, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> One question, though: will there be a way to
>>> recover the disk space used by the now-redundant directories?
>> Just 4 symlinks are left?
> It wasn't clear to me if everything in the old directories was deleted
> or not before being replaced with the symlinks. After all, one way to do
> it would be to move /bin to /oldbin before creating the link,

Here you go *Not in Order* just first at hand.
These are for the "yum update" path
these have been superceded with the /convertfs since:

3 files make up the script

# -*- mode: shell-script; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
# ex: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et filetype=sh

if getargbool 0 rd.usrmove; then
     if getargbool 0 rd.debug; then
         bash -x usrmove-convert "$NEWROOT" 2>&1 | vinfo
         usrmove-convert "$NEWROOT" 2>&1 | vinfo
# -*- mode: shell-script; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
# ex: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et filetype=sh

check() {
     [[ $mount_needs ]] && return 1
     return 255

depends() {
     return 0

install() {
     dracut_install bash
     dracut_install find ldconfig mv rm cp ln
     inst_hook pre-pivot 99 "$moddir/do-usrmove.sh"
     inst "$moddir/usrmove-convert.sh" /usr/bin/usrmove-convert

# -*- mode: shell-script; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
# ex: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et filetype=sh


if [[ ! -d "$ROOT" ]]; then
     echo "Usage: $0 <rootdir>"
     exit 1

if [[ "$ROOT" -ef / ]]; then
     echo "Can't convert the running system."
     echo "Please boot with 'usrmove' on the kernel command line,"
     echo "to update with the help of the initramfs,"
     echo "or run this script from a rescue system."
     exit 1

while [[ "$ROOT" != "${ROOT%/}" ]]; do

needconvert() {
     for dir in "$ROOT/bin" "$ROOT/sbin" "$ROOT/lib" "$ROOT/lib64"; do
         if [[ -e "$dir" ]]; then
             [[ -L "$dir" ]] || return 0
     return 1

if ! needconvert; then
     echo "Your system is already converted."
     exit 0

rm -f "$testfile"
 > "$testfile"
if [[ ! -e "$testfile" ]]; then
     echo "Cannot write to $ROOT/"
     exit 1
rm -f "$testfile"

rm -f "$testfile"
 > "$testfile"
if [[ ! -e "$testfile" ]]; then
     echo "Cannot write to $ROOT/usr/"
     exit 1
rm -f "$testfile"

ismounted() {
     while read a m a; do
         [[ "$m" = "$1" ]] && return 0
     done < /proc/mounts
     return 1

# clean up after ourselves no matter how we die.
cleanup() {
     echo "Something failed. Move back to the original state"
     for dir in "$ROOT/bin" "$ROOT/sbin" "$ROOT/lib" "$ROOT/lib64" \
	"$ROOT/usr/bin" "$ROOT/usr/sbin" "$ROOT/usr/lib" \
         "$ROOT/usr/lib64"; do
         [[ -d "${dir}.usrmove-new" ]] && rm -fr "${dir}.usrmove-new"
         if [[ -d "${dir}.usrmove-old" ]]; then
             mv "$dir" "${dir}.del~"
             mv "${dir}.usrmove-old" "$dir"
             rm -fr "${dir}.del~"

trap 'ret=$?; [[ $ret -ne 0 ]] && cleanup;exit $ret;' EXIT
trap 'exit 1;' SIGINT

ismounted "$ROOT/usr" || CP_HARDLINK="-l"

set -e

# merge / and /usr in new dir in /usr
for dir in bin sbin lib lib64; do
     rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-new"
     [[ -L "$ROOT/$dir" ]] && continue
     [[ -d "$ROOT/$dir" ]] || continue
     echo "Make a copy of \`$ROOT/usr/$dir'."
     [[ -d "$ROOT/usr/$dir" ]] \
         && cp -ax $CP_HARDLINK "$ROOT/usr/$dir" 
     echo "Merge the copy with \`$ROOT/$dir'."
     [[ -d "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-new" ]] \
         || mkdir -p "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-new"
     cp -axT $CP_HARDLINK --backup --suffix=.usrmove~ "$ROOT/$dir" 
     echo "Clean up duplicates in \`$ROOT/usr/$dir'."
     # delete all symlinks that have been backed up
     find "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-new" -type l -name '*.usrmove~' 
-delete || :
     # replace symlink with backed up binary
     find "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-new" \
         -name '*.usrmove~' \
         -type f \
         -exec bash -c 'p="{}";o=${p%%%%.usrmove~};
                        [[ -L "$o" ]] && mv -f "$p" "$o"' ';' || :
# switch over merged dirs in /usr
for dir in bin sbin lib lib64; do
     [[ -d "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-new" ]] || continue
     echo "Switch to new \`$ROOT/usr/$dir'."
     rm -fr "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-old"
     mv "$ROOT/usr/$dir" "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-old"
     mv "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-new" "$ROOT/usr/$dir"

# replace dirs in / with links to /usr
for dir in bin sbin lib lib64; do
     [[ -L "$ROOT/$dir" ]] && continue
     [[ -d "$ROOT/$dir" ]] || continue
     echo "Create \`$ROOT/$dir' symlink."
     rm -rf "$ROOT/${dir}.usrmove-old" || :
     mv "$ROOT/$dir" "$ROOT/${dir}.usrmove-old"
     ln -sfn usr/$dir "$ROOT/$dir"

echo "Clean up backup files."
# everything seems to work; cleanup
for dir in bin sbin lib lib64; do
      # if we get killed in the middle of "rm -rf", ensure not to leave
      # an incomplete directory, which is moved back by cleanup()
     [[ -d "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-old" ]] \
         && mv "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-old" 
     [[ -d "$ROOT/${dir}.usrmove-old" ]] \
         && mv "$ROOT/${dir}.usrmove-old" "$ROOT/${dir}.usrmove-old~"

for dir in bin sbin lib lib64; do
     [[ -d "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-old~" ]] \
         && rm -rf "$ROOT/usr/${dir}.usrmove-old~" || :
     [[ -d "$ROOT/${dir}.usrmove-old~" ]] \
         && rm -rf "$ROOT/${dir}.usrmove-old~" || :

for dir in lib lib64; do
     [[ -d "$ROOT/$dir" ]] || continue
     for lib in "$ROOT"/usr/${dir}/lib*.so*.usrmove~; do
         [[ -f $lib ]] || continue
         mv $lib ${lib/.so/_so}

set +e

echo "Run ldconfig."
ldconfig -r "$ROOT"
echo "Set autorelabel flag."
 > "$ROOT/.autorelabel"
echo "Done."
exit 0


Frank Murphy, friend of fedoraproject
UTF_8 Encoded

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