how to start fvwm from the console command line?

stan gryt2 at
Thu Mar 1 16:10:19 UTC 2012

On Thu, 1 Mar 2012 07:26:42 -0600
Ranjan Maitra <maitra at> wrote:

> Just curious, has anyone tried pekwm yet?, and it is in
> the Fedora repositories. 

Haven't tried it.  Yet, at least.  Now that you have pointed it out,
I will probably give it a whirl.  The site below has a comprehensive
list of window managers for linux, with links and brief comments.
It suggests pekwm behaves like a derivative of aewm++ with window
grouping like PWM and fluxbox.  And no, I don't know what that means,
though he does say that he likes it.

> Also, is it possible to make a LiveCD with a WM environment (not with
> a DE)? 

Of course it's possible. ;-)  The question I think you are asking is if
there exists a mechanism to provide that easily, and I think the answer
is no.  However, it should be possible to take the image of a desktop
iso that exists, mount it locally, copy it so it is rw, modify it to
your needs (change applications, configuration), and then recreate a
new iso from the modified copy.  Burn to CD, and you then have your
custom live CD.  I haven't actually done this, so theoretical musings
only, the implementation left as an exercise for the reader. :-)

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