The death of Hibernate?

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at
Tue Mar 6 23:07:24 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, 6. March 2012. 17.42.41 Anthony R Fletcher wrote:
> If you do a fresh boot you lose your current state....and that is
> valuable. So hibernate (for long periods of down time, for example for a
> long flight) is very useful.

What happened to the "save session" stuff that should be provided by all 
relevant desktop environments? AFAIK, that can (and should) be used to save 
the current state of your desktop across a reboot. Is there some aspect of 
session-saving that doesn't give you back your desktop "state" in the way you 
left it on logout?

I mean, it should open the same apps, keep them on same desktops, etc. I 
thought the concept of a "session" was invented precisely for this purpose. 
Using hibernate to achieve the same effect is possible, but should not be 
necessary, right?

Best, :-)

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