Another Pulseaudio Adventure

stan gryt2 at
Mon Mar 12 16:57:38 UTC 2012

On Mon, 12 Mar 2012 11:28:33 +0000
"Bryn M. Reeves" <bmr at> wrote:
> Nothing makes me reach for the delete key faster than emails that say
> "You suck! Now help me!".

As the underlying system becomes more and more complex, and my use
case further and further out of the mainstream, I find myself able to
give less and less help.  That said, I'll add the following to your
excellent point above.

People who have no gumption, and expect to be spoon fed everything they
want, and get whiny and caustic when it is not.  Like I'm their personal
servant or something.  I suppose that comes out of an inflated sense of
their own importance.  I often wonder what their mother and father were
like to raise someone so self-centered.

People asking questions that have been answered over and over again on
the list, demonstrating that they haven't even done a search..  Again,
they are saying that their time and needs are more important than mine,
whether they are consciously aware of that or not.  I suspect this as
being one of the main causes of burnout for helpers on Fedora and the
web in general.

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