error in building a RPM file

T.C. Hollingsworth tchollingsworth at
Thu Mar 22 09:45:05 UTC 2012

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Ranjan Maitra <maitra at> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> OK, playing with a different spec file (attached), I get the following
> error:
> $ rpmbuild -ba wbar.spec
<snip output>
> Question: why does it not do the /usr/bin/gzip? Shouldn't it do
> that first, or alternatively use /bin/tar -zxf?

rpmbuild doesn't understand query strings, so it thinks the file you
want is "detail?name=wbar_2.3.0.orig.tar.gz".

Ordinarily, when you have weird download URLs like this, you should
just use "Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz" and specify the actual
download URL in a comment.  (The comment isn't strictly necessary for
personal packages, but is required by the Fedora Packaging

In this instance, however, the URL you are using is an information
page about the download, not the download itself.  The actual download
URL is and RPM
will understand that just fine.

> There might be other problems also, but at this point, I am stuck here.

One other thing I noticed is the use of `make install-strip`.  RPM
will strip the debugging symbols for you and create a debuginfo
package, which might be useful someday if^H^Hwhen it crashes, so you
should probably just `make install` here.


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