Fedora disimprovements: am I alone?

Timothy Murphy gayleard at alice.it
Thu Mar 22 11:56:09 UTC 2012

I wonder if I am alone in finding some of the developments in Fedora-16
actually make life harder for the user?

I'd take grub2 and systemctl as two examples.
In each case I've read the documentation and understand the motivation
behind these developments.
But I remain unconvinced that the gains outweigh the disadvantages
of methods that are much harder to configure and use.

I don't think this is just a matter of unfamiliarity.
I think one can say objectively that the new methods
are more complicated than those they replace.

As a crude measure of complication the new commands
take longer to type than the old,
eg "systemctl start openvpn at client.service"
compared with "start service openvpn".

And the output of the new commands seems much more verbose than the old:
eg compare the output of "systemctl -a" or "systemctl list-units"
with that of "chkconfig --list".

Could anyone bringing in these changes have honestly answered "Yes"
if asked whether the new method would simplify life for the user?

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

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