still having update issues with gcc

James Wilkinson fedora at
Mon Mar 26 19:42:40 UTC 2012

les wrote:
> HI, everyone,
> 	I am still having the update issue with gcc. I will follow this message
> with the error received from "yum update".
> 	Also my processor is periodically locking up.  Is anyone else
> experiencing either of these errors?  When it locks up, it is running
> one of the cores at or near 100%, and the dbus daemon is running at 54%,
> and if I click the x box on system monitor, the window remains open, but
> the process appears to have died.
> 	I am trying to figure out if these are related or separate issues that
> I have to resolve.

They would be different issues.

You’re not too clear on how much is locking up. Can you move the mouse
pointer when the error happens? Can you ping the machine across the

> 	Can anyone offer any guidance, and as to the update of gcc, there was
> an earlier email where someone indicated that a update was needed but
> not available yet.  Any help on that front either?

For what it’s worth, I can see much the same thing here. If you’re happy
to run with a version of clang and llvm that LLVM have released but is
still in Fedora testing, run
yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update clang
then try installing the gcc packages.

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | "I would like to apologise to the relatives of the fan | who gave me 29 books to sign in Odyssey 7, Manchester.
                   | I'm a little twitchy towards the end of a day of signing
                   | and did not mean to kill and eat him." -- Terry Pratchett

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