Fedora 18 release name

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Thu May 3 01:31:18 UTC 2012

On 05/02/2012 06:12 PM, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> Just like the American Political System, we have no voice and no vote :(, the "Ruling Elite" are the ones that chose names and vote, us the users are the ones that have to end up with whatever others choose if we are not part of the "Ruling Elite" :(  Is there an electoral college in the Fedora voting?  Because if there is, the majority does not get to choose the name :(

IMAO, this is all just a tempest in a teapot because people never[1] 
refer to Fedora versions by their code names, only by the release number.

[1]Well, *hardly* ever!

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