The death of Hibernate?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Fri May 18 12:06:54 UTC 2012

Am 18.05.2012 13:25, schrieb Timothy Murphy:
> You mention having machines with 16GB RAM.
> How exactly is this used?
> I just checked my 2 servers;
> the one here (I'm in Italy) has 5GB RAM, 4GB of which is free
> ("Mem:   4829188k total,   847540k used,  3981648k free").
> The server in Ireland has 4GB RAM, with 500MB free
> ("Mem:   3793928k total,  3209440k used,   584488k free")

on servers:

* MySQL with large InnoDB-Buffers (
* Web-Applications where you expect more than a few users
* Bytecode-Caches and Query-Cache for MySQL
* VMware Workstation in Headless-Mode on Homeservers for isolation / testing
* VMware ESXi on production hosts
* many other services i mentioned before

on workstations:

* Eclipse / ZendStudio (it is very happy to have >= 700 MB for it's own)
* Desktop
* Firefox
* Thunderbird
* VMware Workstation
* OpenOffice
* OS-Cache
* all the services using in production on serveral veritual machines for testing

half a hour after i started my machine it is using around 3GB active
yes, my focus is on heavy use

but for only write some mails and web-brwosing i can not see why 10 seconds
more or less are making the difference and as  cheaper/slower your hardware
is as longer wake up from suspend takes

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