Software Removal....

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at
Tue Sep 18 13:35:51 UTC 2012

On 09/18/2012 05:37 AM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
> namely ones that don't even function....some title are: "Tetravex" - 
> Some sort of mutated Sudoku game, "Nibbles" some form of worm game and a 
> few others. I have tried going to the "Add / Remove Software" module but 
> it doesn't even find these games. So how can I get rid of them without 
> having to do a total reinstall? I tried having yum do it, but when I 

Slightly OT for your specific question and Frank's already provided a
solution but I keep a shell alias around in .bashrc to look up which
package owns a particular command. It just glues together rpm -qf and which:

qwhich () { if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo "usage: qwhich <cmd>" ; fi ;
rpm -qf `which $1` ;}

$ qwhich sol

It's pronounced like "quiche" should not be.

The repoquery command from yum-utils can answer similar questions for
packages in remote repositories but it's much faster to just ask RPM for
things installed locally.


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