Dracut on reboot

Robert Nichols rnicholsNOSPAM at comcast.net
Wed Apr 10 03:03:58 UTC 2013

On 04/09/2013 03:14 AM, Tim wrote:
> Tim:
>>> The tilde refers to your homespace.  So, for whoever's logged on, a
>>> file path like this ~/example.text refers to an example.text file in
>>> the root of *their* homespace.
> Richard Vickery:
>> You have made my exact point in you're first two lines. who - or where
>> - is dracut's homespace.  On a  dracut boot, it doesn't appear that I
>> am logged it as my home user.
> Well, if you're logged in as the user that you're modifying, you don't
> even need to know.  Writing a ~/file puts the "file" where it needs to
> be.  *That* user's home space.

When you are at the "dracut:/#" prompt, you are still running from the
initramfs, probably without even the normal root filesystem mounted, and
"~" resolves to the root directory in the initramfs.  Storing anything
there would be pointless.  The only clue as to what went wrong is in the
message that preceded the "dracut:/#" prompt.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                 Do NOT delete it.

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