recoll and mime-text

Dave Stevens geek at
Thu Apr 18 22:56:31 UTC 2013

I've taken the suggestion of poma from earlier to try recoll as a  
desktop search engine. It indexed everything nicely and is very quick.  
I can't seem to get attachments out of my retrieved emails.

So the one I'm looking for right now has an attached .pdf, but the  
whole mail, headers and mime text and all, displays as ascii text.

I can use recoll's 'open' command, which fires up thunderbird and  
shows the attachment with an automatically generated name (gibberish,  
more or less) but when I try to save then view the attachment gedit is  
showing me the ascii. I vaguely recall years ago having to manually  
detach mime-encoded text but don't remember details.



The problem with being cynical is you can't keep up!

-- anon. philosopher

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