F17 LXDE spin: replace *DM systemd script for XDMCP

Mihamina Rakotomandimby mihamina at rktmb.org
Mon Apr 29 05:08:06 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I have installed several F17 desktop with LXDE spin.
It's OK.

Now I have a F18 "server" (on a 1U racked server), where I enabled XDMCP.

I want the F17 desktops to be the X clients of the server, in a simple 
way (users are not geeks). To achieve this,
- I want the LXDM not to start (well "chkconfig lxdm off")
- I want the F17 desktops to replace LXDM starting by the connection to 
the X server
-- Custom init file? (tutorial?)

How would you advice to do?

I dont want to use FreeNX nor XNest nor VNC, but full XDMCP.

Thank you in advance.


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