3840x2160 resolution?

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 13:05:23 UTC 2013

I am fascinated by the idea of having a Sharp PN-K321 monitor
(but it will remain a fantasy till the price gets much lower :-).

Out of curiosity though, I'm wondering if anyone out there
in fedora-land has run a display at 3840x2160 and if so
what video card and/or cards you used (and if open source
drivers worked)?

The manual for the sharp makes it seem a bit weird. You
apparently have to run it as though it is two separate
1920x2160 displays - they just happen to exist right next
to each other with no bezel separating them.

Looking on newegg.com I find a few cards that claim to
support 3840x2160, but it isn't clear if they can act
like a dual display.

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