humble suggestion to Fedora developers

Joe Zeff joe at
Fri Feb 1 20:20:20 UTC 2013

On 02/01/2013 11:10 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> there are even command-line tools suggested to replace
> well known ones with completly different switches
> this is not how a replacement works

You know that, I know that and most of the people on this list (if not 
all) know that.  Alas, there are always going to be people pushing new 
things simply because they're new and because they really, truly believe 
that if it's new it must be better.  And, of course, some of them will 
be so entranced by how good it's going to be when it's all working[1] 
that they ignore the fact that at this point it's nowhere near as good 
as what it's intended to replace and insist on swapping it in anyway, 
long before it's ready for anything other than alpha-testing.

[1]Am I the only one reminded by a boy trying to seduce his girlfriend? 
  Ugol says I'm not.

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