f18 replacement for KEYTABLE, SYSFONT?

Michael Hannon jm_hannon at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 2 05:28:14 UTC 2013

Greetings.  I just did a "fedup" upgrade from f17 to f18.  The system is now
up and running, mostly just fine, but I did notice a brief warning message
during boot to the effect that KEYTABLE is deprecated.

I've seen some mention of this on the web, and it appears that a solution
MIGHT be to replace the word KEYTABLE with the word KEYMAP in the appropriate
place or places.  In another place I've seen it suggested  that there are TWO
changes that are required:

    KEYTABLE --> vconsole.keymap
    SYSFONT  --> vconsole.font

I do see the term KEYTABLE in one place in my /boot partition:

# pwd

# find . -type f -exec grep -i keytable {} /dev/null \;
./efi/EFI/redhat/grub.conf:    kernel /vmlinuz-3.7.4-204.fc18.x86_64 rd.md=0
rd.lvm=0 rd.dm=0 root=UUID=20ccc8f9-c293-4fba-888d-fd54f476d36a  KEYTABLE=us
acpi=off noapic SYSFONT=True rd.luks=0 ro LANG=en_US.UTF-8 rhgb quiet
nouveau.modeset=0 rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau

It would be easy enough to edit grub.conf to substitute vconsole.keymap (or
KEYMAP?) for KEYTABLE and vconsole.font (or FONT?) for SYSFONT.  Is that the
right thing to do?  And/or is there anything else that needs to happen?


-- Mike

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