"Install Updates & Restart" on a laptop

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at courier-mta.com
Sat Feb 2 14:57:04 UTC 2013

On a lark, I decided to try this option to grab a week's worth of updates.

The laptop rebooted immediately. Churned for a while, I could see on the  
console that it's trying to do updates. The laptop rebooted again, and the  
end result was that nothing was updated, so I just did yum update, as I  
always do.

Now, one thing I don't recall seeing was the wireless getting turned on  
during the update cycle. Which, I would think, would be a fairly important  
prerequisite, in order to download the updates.

Or, perhaps, I'm missing something. This laptop was updated from F17 to F18,  
and perhaps I need to install a package that automatically downloads updates  
in advance, so on update everything gets installed locally, but poking  
around with yum didn't find anything that seems to do that.

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