LibreOffice version 4

Gordan Bobic gordan at
Sat Feb 9 23:50:54 UTC 2013

On 09/02/2013 23:32, Steven Stern wrote:
> On 02/09/2013 03:48 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> On 02/09/2013 01:32 PM, Heinz Diehl wrote:
>>> You have to
>>> fight with incompatibilities because you're using Impress while all
>>> the machines at the congresses are solely running Powerpoint (which
>>> causes
>>> incompatibilities when used to display .odp files). That's hard
>>> enough.
>> I know that Impress can save in Powerpoint format, with the appropriate
>> extension.  Have you tried that, and if so, does it help?
>> (Impress/Powerpoint aren't programs I need, so I have no way of knowing
>> on my own.)
> Compatibility (beyond just "can it read/write the format?") is the
> killer.  Sometimes you just have to use Powerpoint because even though
> you can build "compatible" files in Keynote, Impress, or Google
> Presentations, they don't look the same when you have to put them on a
> thumb drive and hand them to the guy with the computer connected to the
> projector.

Guys, this thread is just turning into trolling. If you don't like 
Libre/Open Office and you just have to use MS Office, go use Windows and 
quite trolling on a Linux mailing list. Or at the very least take the 
whining about the nuances of similarity to a LibreOffice or OpenOffice 
mailing list.

Documents look slightly different between incarnations of the office 
package, OS and fonts used anyway, so short of actually exporting 
everything as a PDF and using that instead, you'll never get 100% 
identical appearance.


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