copy full system from old disk to a new one

Gordan Bobic gordan at
Tue Feb 19 20:55:49 UTC 2013

On 19/02/2013 20:15, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 19.02.2013 20:59, schrieb Gordan Bobic:
>> On 19/02/2013 19:42, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> Am 19.02.2013 20:24, schrieb Gordan Bobic:
>>>> On 19/02/2013 19:05, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>>>> Am 19.02.2013 20:02, schrieb Gordan Bobic:
>>>>>>> what exactly do you need to align on the partitions?
>>>>>> For a start, making sure your RAID implementation puts the metadata
>>>>>> at the end of the disk, rather than the beginning.
>>>>> "my RAID implementation"?
>>>>> and this is how the raid-partitions are looking
>>>>> no problem since years
>>>>> Disk /dev/sda: 2000.4 GB, 2000398934016 bytes, 3907029168 sectors
>>>>> Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
>>>>> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
>>>>> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
>>>>> Disk identifier: 0x0000ae2c
>>>>>       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
>>>>> /dev/sda1   *        2048     1026047      512000   fd  Linux raid autodetect
>>>>> /dev/sda2         1026048    31746047    15360000   fd  Linux raid autodetect
>>>>> /dev/sda3        31746048  3906971647  1937612800   fd  Linux raid autodetect
>>>>> [root at srv-rhsoft:/downloads]$ sfdisk -d /dev/sda
>>>>> # partition table of /dev/sda
>>>>> unit: sectors
>>>>> /dev/sda1 : start=     2048, size=  1024000, Id=fd, bootable
>>>>> /dev/sda2 : start=  1026048, size= 30720000, Id=fd
>>>>> /dev/sda3 : start= 31746048, size=3875225600, Id=fd
>>>>> /dev/sda4 : start=        0, size=        0, Id= 0
>>>> That's the MD partition alignment, not the alignment of the FS space within the MD device. The two are not the
>>>> same.
>>> maybe you should read older posts in the thread
>> Looking for what, exactly?
>>> [root at srv-rhsoft:/downloads]$ tune2fs -l /dev/md1
>> [...]
>> This won't tell you the FS alignment against the raw underlying disk sectors.
>>> Blocks per group:         32768
>> This is sub-optimal in almost all cases except RAID1 or single-disk, as I explained earlier
> how do you meassure "sub-optimal"?

If you have a disk that you have to hit for every file access that isn't 
cached, that's extremely sub-optimal when you could be distributing that 
load across all of your disks. It's essentialy 1/n of performance you 
could be getting where n is the number of disks.

> the time wasted to re-install a complex setup and start configuration
> from scratch, especially if you have more than one clones of the same
> machine will never be worth 1,2.3% of theoretical performance

Theoretical performance gains are much greater than that. Real 
performance gains largely depend on the size of your FS and the amount 
of free RAM you have for caching the block group header metadata.

And yes - not getting things right the first time is expensive. So get 
it right first time. :)

> so i do not give a damn about a few percent and as long SSD's are
> way to expensive to store some TB in RAID setups they are no
> option and if they are at a valid price they are free from
> early-adopters problems
> as said: NOW i would not save any important data on a SSD
> and i do not own any unimportant data beause if it is
> unimportant i go ahead and delete it at all

You really have little or no idea what you are talking about. I have had 
many more mechanical disks fail than SSDs, and I have yet to see an SSD 
(proper SSD, not generic USB/CF/SD flash media) actually fail due to 
wearout. SSDs at the very least tend to fail more gracefully (become 
read-only) than mechanical disks (typically massive media failure). 
Flash write endurance on reasonable branded SSDs simply isn't an issue 
in any way, even with worst case scenario (e.g. runnaway logging 
application). Even if your media is only good for 3000 erase cycles and 
you have a 60GB SSD, that is 180TB of writes before you wear it out. 
Even if you overwrite the whole disk once per day that is still 8 years 
of continuous operation. It's not worth worrying about. Not by a long way.

To give you an idea, I have a 24/7 server here, with a 4GB rootfs (ext4, 
no journal), including /var/log, and gets yum updated reasonably 
regularly. It was created in May 2011, and has since then seen a grand 
total of 31GB of writes, according to dumpe2fs. If it were on flash 
media, that would be about 8 full overwrites. 2992 remaining. Or to put 
it another way, it has used up about 0.26% of it's life expectancy so 
far over 20 months. I would worry far more about silent bit-rot on 
traditional RAID mechanical disks.

> maybe you install from scratch regulary
> i do never and i am on board since Fedora Core 3

My re-installation cycle broadly follows the EL release cycles.


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