OT Motherboard max ram, dmidecode ?

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at redhat.com
Tue Jan 15 12:04:58 UTC 2013

On 01/15/2013 11:57 AM, Frank Murphy wrote:
> http://fpaste.org/jijW/  ctrl-f : "this line"
> does this mean my board can take 16gb ram?
> Their website says 8gb
> http://www.msi.com/product/mb/P35-Platinum.html#/?div=Basic

It means your memory controller has enough pins to drive 16GiB of 
memory. Unfortunately that doesn't mean that the motherboard maker chose 
to implement it that way - they may not have provided enough DIMM slots 
to physically install that much memory or there may be firmware 
limitations on the upper limit of usable memory.

Check with the mb vendor that there are no updates available to raise 
that and that the information on the website is accurate - failing that 
you could try it out if you have DIMMs around but I would be cautious of 
buying new ones unless you can return them or have other uses for them.


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