OT: what's with the 'i'?

Robert Moskowitz rgm at htt-consult.com
Thu Jan 31 17:15:30 UTC 2013

On 01/31/2013 10:55 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Way way OT:
> Just out of interest, why do some people use the non-existent word "i",
> not to mention other violations of capitalization rules when 1) their
> Shift key is clearly not broken, and 2) they aren't the poet e.e.
> cummings? I've seen a number of people do this (admittedly a tiny
> minority) and never understood it. Do they think it's cool? Are they
> expressing their inner rebel? Were they punished by their English
> teacher at school? Is hitting Shift too much effort? Enquiring minds
> want to know.
> Sorry, this has been bugging me for ages and I had just had to get this
> off my chest. Feel free to ignore.

The expect their grammer checker to automagically fix this for them.  
Their smartphones SMS messaging does this, so why not their email client?

Some people did not learn on a Royal Typewriter to get exposed to proper 
typing techniques.  I BARELY made it to 40wpm to pass that class back in 

And I hated reading e.e cummings back then.  Robert Frost was more my speed.

"I have miles to go before I sleep."

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