find / grep to list files with php's short_open_tag

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Fri May 10 13:02:39 UTC 2013

Am 10.05.2013 01:52, schrieb David Beveridge:
>> [egreshko at meimei try]$ find /tmp/try -type f -name \*.php -exec grep -l -i -n -G "<?$" '{}' \;
>> /tmp/try/one.php
>> The only thing worse than a poorly asked question is a cryptic answer.
> So you want all the <? but not the <?php, <?xml, <?= in text files?
> grep -r "<?" * | grep -v "Binary file" | grep -v "<\?php" | grep -v
> "<\?xml" | grep -v "<\?="

i finally solved it with a php-script itself using a years ago written
PHP-SPL-wrapper for recursive listing of files started in the dir the
php-cli-script is living

relevant is <? followed by space, LF, CR, TAB to catch also files with
windows or OSX line-breaks

you must not list here files containing value="<?=(int)$id?>" because this
short echo-variant is starting with PHP 5.4 always supported and no longer
in context with "short_open_tag" from php.ini

well, i found 7 files out of some thousand written in the last 10 years :-)

script and 3 test-files below

 if(PHP_SAPI != 'cli')
 $fs = new rh_filesystem();
 $liste = $fs->ListFilesRecursive(/**$path*/__DIR__, /**$details*/false, /**$excludes*/array());
 foreach($liste as $file)
  if($file != __FILE__ && strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == 'php' && is_readable($file))
   $content = file_get_contents($file);
   if(strpos($content, '<? ') !== false || strpos($content, "<?\r") !== false || strpos($content, "<?\n") !== false
|| strpos($content, "<?\t") !== false)
    echo $file . MY_LE;


$fs->ListFilesRecursive() is basically this:

     $spl_objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
      foreach($spl_objects as $filename=>$spl_object)
        if(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === "\\")
         $filename = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $filename);
        if(substr($filename, 0, 2) === './')
         $filename = substr($filename, 2);
        if(empty($pattern) || !preg_match($pattern, $filename))
         if(!$ignore_svn || strpos($filename, '/.svn') === false)
          $enumerate_list[] = $filename;
     catch(UnexpectedValueException $e)
      error_log('Directory "' . $path . '" contained a directory we can not recurse into');
      return false;


[harry at srv-rhsoft:/www]$ cat test-short-open-1.php
 echo 'TEST';

[harry at srv-rhsoft:/www]$ cat test-short-open-2.php
 echo 'TEST';
<form action="<? echo "TEST"?>"></form>

[harry at srv-rhsoft:/www]$ cat test-short-open-3.php
 echo 'TEST';
  echo 'TEST';

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