FC19, 3.11.6-200, and ATI video

m.roth at 5-cent.us m.roth at 5-cent.us
Wed Oct 23 15:27:24 UTC 2013

I've just updated a user's FC19 box to the latest. No X. Period. I can use
xinit to get a window, but no fonts at all. Startx from init 3 gives me a
black screen.

When I look at Xorg.0.log, no matter if I have the radeon driver
blacklisted or not, whatever driver it uses is not for this kernel. The
proprietary one fails to build - as a start, it's still using

The box has a FirePro 2260.

What can I do to get my user up and running, other than, say, installing


grub2 MUST DIE!!!

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