fedmsg notify daemon

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Sat Feb 1 20:22:58 UTC 2014

On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:10:17 -0600
Steven Stern <subscribed-lists at sterndata.com> wrote:

> I've noticed that a process called fedmsg-notify-daemon is running on
> my system, connected to on port 9940.
> According to this page, it's monitoring something for messages about
> Fedora:  http://lewk.org/blog/fedmsg-notify

Yep. It's started by the fedmsg-notify package/client. 

> Is this anything I really need?  According to fedmsg-notify-config,
> the daemon is on but every channel option is toggled off.
> Is anyone using it and if so, what value is it providing?

This allows you to see the fedmsg messages on your desktop (or subset
of them that you care about). 

Fedora Infrastructure has spent the last year or so enabling messages
on all of our applications where it makes sense to do so (Although
there's always more places). 

So, for example, if you wanted to see package commits as they happen,
or package builds as they start and finish, or updates submissions or
when someone asks or answers a question on ask.fedoraproject.org, or a
fedora planet blog post appears, or when someone is awarded a badge,
or when meetings start or finish, or when someone edits a wiki page
you care about, or any of a number of other things in Fedora, then it
would be useful. ;) 

Feel free to just turn them on and watch for a bit and see if you find
the information of use. 

You can also get the same info on irc in #fedora-fedmsg on freenode, or
via websocket page at https://apps.fedoraproject.org/busmon/ or via a
command line fedmsg-trigger (which you can use in scripts to trigger on
any message you like). 

Hope that helps, 

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