Tons of DBUS error and apps unavailability

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Thu Feb 6 23:13:18 UTC 2014

On Fri, 07 Feb 2014 00:00:01 +0100
Ambrogio De Lorenzo wrote:

> I cant understan why you think my problem is related to this bug.

Because creating the nologin file was the original symptom
people noticed first, but in reality what has happened is
that systemd has gotten itself blowed up and all sorts of
things get randomly screwed up depending on what gets hit by
the shrapnel from the explosion. For instance, I'm
almost certain these are all the same bug:

They really should have switched back to the version of
systemd on fedora 19 weeks ago, because it doesn't
look like they are ever gonna figure out how to
fix this bug.

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