Broken nouveau KMS

Ed Greshko ed.greshko at
Fri Feb 14 04:12:22 UTC 2014

On 02/14/14 11:50, Christopher Thielen wrote:
> I think I broke my Fedora 20 Nouveau KMS when I tried out the nVidia driver.
> My grub boot menu has three kernel entries and only the oldest of the three boots with the graphical loader and has X using the Nouveau driver. The two newer ones boot with the text-based progress bar and wind up with X loading the VESA driver.
> I cannot figure out how to fix the newer kernel entries in grub to repair my Nouveau graphical boot.
> Here's my /boot/grub2/grub.cfg, the entry "Fedora, with Linux 3.12.8-300.fc20.x86_64" boots graphically while the two above it do not.
> I very much appreciate any help in the matter! 

You don't say what you did to try out the nVidia driver. 

But, since you can boot to an older kernel and get nouveau the path of least resistance may be to boot to that older kernel, erase the newer non-working kernels, and then updating again to the latest kernel.

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