Help needed with xhost

Joe Zeff joe at
Tue Feb 18 20:45:49 UTC 2014

On 02/18/2014 12:33 PM, Ambrogio De Lorenzo wrote:
> I use my laptop with a user (root in this case, but please don't say
> "don't use root").

If you want to run as root, go right ahead and do so.  (I have an old 
laptop that ambles along with Puppy, because that's about all it can 
handle.  Puppy normally has only one user, and that's root, so I'm not 
in a position to tell you that you shouldn't ever run as root.) 
However, when (not if) your system gets trashed because of a typo, or 
because you used a wildcard where you shouldn't,[1] don't expect any 
sympathy from us.

[1]Hint: before using rm with a wildcard, use ls and make sure that 
you're not going to delete anything unexpected.

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