F20 - Unintended consequences of no default MTA - How best to fix

Lars E. Pettersson lars at homer.se
Thu Jan 2 12:34:32 UTC 2014

On 01/02/2014 04:40 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> Why put a feature in the GUI installer to add a user to /etc/aliases for
> getting system mail messages when there isn't an MTA? Since the MTA will
> need to be installed, edit /etc/aliases at that time? This seems to add
> complexity for minimal value.

My proposal is to keep the MTA, not to loose the messages that we now 
loose due to not having an MTA (I opposed removing the MTA in the first 
place). To get these now lost mails to the (main) user the user has to 
made aware of the mail to root, and instead send it to the applicable 
user. One way to do this is by making it (setting up /etc/aliases) a 
part of the installation process, as I described earlier.

The value is great, as the mail now lost is no longer lost, and instead 
sent to the user of the system.

> be exposed in GUI, to me it sounds like an edge case request.

Important mail to/from root is not an "edge case".

Lars E. Pettersson <lars at homer.se>

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