mailx help

Chris Adams linux at
Tue Jan 21 14:56:42 UTC 2014

Once upon a time, Ed Greshko <ed.greshko at> said:
> FWIW, having an MTA running but doing nothing other than delivering mail for cron and other system utils doesn't utilize system resources.  Getting around installing an MTA may be more trouble than it is worth.

Yeah, if you just have to have cron output delivered to local mail spool
files, use the tools that already exist for that job: "yum install
sendmail" or "yum install postfix".  There are so many corner cases to
consider that trying to write new code to handle them all (without being
an MTA) is overkill.

"Default-no-MTA" was never intended to be "replace all possible use
cases with no MTA".  You want mail in files, so use an MTA.

Chris Adams <linux at>

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