Save everybody some surprises in Fedora 22!

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Mon Jun 9 22:54:04 UTC 2014

On Mon, 9 Jun 2014 15:25:33 -0700
T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:

> which
> requires multilib i686 bits

Properly split up rpms wouldn't "require" multilib. The
abomination that is multilib introduces utter confusion
by allowing 32 and 64 bit versions of rpms to both be
installed when both claim to include (for instance)
/usr/bin/sillyprogram, yet by undocumented skullduggery
only the 64 bit /usr/bin/sillyprogram executable is really

The whole multilib thing was a monstrous kludge because
no one wanted to do the work to properly split rpms
into noarch, library, and executable chunks. Packaging
would be infinitely less mysterious and confusing
if the proper split were made, and nothing would
prevent 32 bit libs from being installed on 64 bit

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