SSH question

Fred Smith fredex at
Thu Jun 12 22:12:25 UTC 2014

Hi all!

I feel dumb having to ask this, I feel I should know the answer, but
can't dredge it up.

I've recently installed F20 on my old eeepc, where it seems to run fine,
btw, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to connect to it from
another system with ssh.

I've made sure that sshd is installed, and "systemctl list-unit-files"
shows it as enabled. As far as I can figure out how to use the relatively
new firewall app (and I have to admit some hesitance there since I'm
not sure I really DO understand it...) the necessary ports are open.

however when I attempt to connect to it with ssh from another box I get
I get an instantaneous "ssh: connect to host port 22:
connection refused".  And when I attempt to connect back to itself:
"ssh -X fredex at localhost" I get the same thing.

If someone can give me a whack on the head (designed to joggle my brains
a bitg--in a good way) I'd appreciate the guidance.


 .----    Fred Smith   /              
( /__  ,__.   __   __ /  __   : /     
 /    /  /   /__) /  /  /__) .+'           Home: fredex at 
/    /  (__ (___ (__(_ (___ / :__                                 781-438-5471 
-------------------------------- Jude 1:24,25 ---------------------------------

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