Why won't smbd and nmbd start automatically on system start?

Temlakos temlakos at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 12:29:03 UTC 2014


I have two computers, one desktop and one laptop. I did clean installs 
on both. In the process, I retired a third computer that had been 
running samba without incident for years.

Today I can get samba running on both machines. But: I have to execute 
two commands:

$ sudo /sbin/smbd -D
$ sudo /sbin/nmbd -D

by hand, in a terminal (Konsole), every time I start or restart either 

The system-config-services app fails to note that smbd or nmbd are even 
available for starting.

How do I get those two daemons to start automatically, so that I don't 
have to type those two commands every time? Because until I do, I have 
no file-sharing capability. (I have yet another computer on my network: 
a dedicated Windows box that I use for video capturing. I've said on 
other threads I am not satisfied with the video-capture and DVD 
authoring support Linux provides, and note that Linux does not support 
Blu-ray, in playback or especially in burning. So samba is a must for me.)


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