
Frederick N. Brier at
Thu May 1 11:26:23 UTC 2014

I love Fedora, but after asking about the disappearance myself, the 
answer given was less than logical or satisfactory.  LVM has gained some 
new features that system-config-lvm did not handle.  Someone decided 
that was unacceptable and it had to be removed.  The majority of 
applications and system tools do not support every (new) feature. 
Development does not occur lockstep.  It would have been trivial to add 
something to a readme file or a conditional that warned 
system-config-lvm could not be used with your current LVM because you 
used a new feature.  As with Gilboa and yourself, I am still using the 
basic features of LVM and very happy with it.  To eliminate the primary 
maintenance system tool of a feature, is to cut off your user's noses to 
spite your system.  I've been doing development for 40+ years.  This 
smells like a pissing contest. Perhaps I am not as brave as Gilboa, I 
was unwilling to risk building the tool.  I have a USB key that boots 
Linux Mint.  Every time I need to adjust my LVM, I have to reboot to 
Mint, make the change and reboot again.  That is sad.

- Fred

On 04/30/2014 10:31 PM, Gilboa Davara wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 3:12 AM, Patrick Dupre <pdupre at> wrote:
>> Hello
>> The package system-config-lvm
>> disappeared since fedora 18.
>> Is there a reason?
>> I new packag replace it?
>> Thank
> system-config-lvm (S-C-L) was deprecated back in F18 and is supposed
> to be replaced by gnome-disks (or gnome-disk-utility).
> However, gnome-disks (F20) completely lacks LVM support.
> Personally I simply rebuilt the F18 S-C-L SRPMS and I use it on a
> large number of desktops/servers/etc.
> Keep in mind that YMMV; S-C-L is no longer supported and if it breaks,
> you get to keep all the pieces.
> - Gilboa

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