Somewhat OT, encryption question

Joe Zeff joe at
Wed Nov 26 22:06:03 UTC 2014

On 11/26/2014 01:58 PM, Bill Oliver wrote:
> Then I'd rely on decrypted backups, which are stored under physical lock
> and key. Or, if necessary, I'd simply go back to the client and get the
> data again.  I do that a lot with paper files, since I burn them when my
> consultation is finished.  Occasionally, the client will come back for
> more help, and I'll have them resend the information.  My problem is
> *not* loss of data.  It's security.

Thank you for your explanation.  It's rare to come across a situation 
where it's better to have the data lost (for the time being) than to 
risk theft.  Most of the time, what you're suggesting would be going far 
beyond what most paranoids would consider sensible, but I can see why it 
may be simply a case of due diligence for you.

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