F21 partitioning circus

Chris Murphy lists at colorremedies.com
Mon Feb 23 21:03:17 UTC 2015

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 2:10 AM, Andrew R Paterson
<andy.paterson at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> I have to say I find this disucssion interesting....
> I have spent what amounts to a small fortune (for me!) making sure that when I
> upgrade from one version of LINUX to another (initially slackware but so far
> fedora  9 - 20) that I can minimise the risk of (anaconda or whatever the
> current installer might be) deciding in its wisdom whilst doing the
> partitioning that it thinks best, blowing away my /opt and/home partitions -

It's comments like this that make me want to grab a metal bucket, put
it on my head, and start hitting myself with a mallet.

To delete and existing /opt or /home requires explicit user
intervention for this to happen. It doesn't happen by itself. You have
to a.) click the mount point, b.) click the minus (-) button to
indicate you want it removed, and c.) the installer produces a dialog
indicating it's going to be deleted, along with a cancel button, and
d.) the installer produces a summary of changes at the very end of the
LETTERS  indicating it will be deleted.

So what is it *EXACTLY* that you're experiencing? And what is it
*EXACTLY* you think you should experience instead? If you can't do
that, please stop offering opinions about how you need to minimize
risk due to the installer. This the compsci equivalent of

> which have nearly 20 years of accumulated digital clutter!

And you have backups right? Because by definition it's not important
unless you have backups.

Chris Murphy

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