F21 partitioning circus

jd1008 jd1008 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 18:40:13 UTC 2015

On 02/23/2015 04:23 PM, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> On 02/23/2015 01:13 PM, jd1008 wrote:
>> I think it does make sense, because users would like to custom
>> partition the drive(s) and live with that partitioning scheme for
>> many years. So, all such options should be made available.
>> A responder to this thread mentioned that there should be an
>> "expert" mode in Anaconda where the user accepts all the
>> consequences of her/his choice(s).
> What is the benefit of having anaconda worry about *creating* these
> partitioning schemes (for lack of a better term)?
Provide flexibilty for users who would want schemes other than anaconda's
defaults and very limited partitioning options.
Seems to me anacaonda is heading the way of a closed tool that assumes
one hat fits all.
And we used to think that commercially purchased
software was limited and restrictive!Strange how the open source
is heading into the same direction.
> Wouldn't it be better to ask people to use the regular tools in a live
> media environment for anything other than a very basic scheme and save
> anaconda dev time for ensuring that it is able to *use* as many pre-
> existing schemes as possible as reliably as possible?
So, you want to tell people: first partition your drive with some other
tools before you use anaconda to install Fedora, and then?
Newbies might not even know that Anaconda might still decide to
take it's own default and clobber whatever the user did as far as
pre-partitioning. In fact the very first option displayed by anaconda
is to use anaconda's default partitioning scheme. Even if anaconda
will warn the user of what it will clobber, many newbies will not
necessarily understand the consequences.
Myself, I always know how to tell anaconda I will manually partition
the drive, without resorting to external tools.
But I cannot assume that ALL other people have the know-how to
manually partition their drives.

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