F21 - Refreshing DHCP lease on ethernet

poma pomidorabelisima at gmail.com
Fri Jan 23 12:29:55 UTC 2015

On 23.01.2015 05:37, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> Using NetworkManager.

I'll give you an example to start with.

$ man 5 NetworkManager.conf


    This plugin is used on the Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux distributions to read and write configuration from the standard
    /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files. It currently supports reading Ethernet, Wi-Fi, InfiniBand, VLAN, Bond, Bridge, and
    Team connections.

'ifcfg-rh' plugin is used as a default on Fedora, but in fact it is unnecessary impact of the Big Brother RHEL, and actually serves as a backward compatibility - but on Fedora we do not need it, purely by the fact that there is a native 'keyfile' plugin which is moreover the only complete in terms of functionality.

    The keyfile plugin is the generic plugin that supports all the connection types and capabilities that NetworkManager has. It
    writes files out in an .ini-style format in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections.

    The stored connection file may contain passwords and private keys, so it will be made readable only to root, and the plugin will
    ignore files that are readable or writeable by any user or group other than root.

    This plugin is always active, and will automatically be used to store any connections that aren't supported by any other active

So in order to use only, and only this plugin:

$ cat /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/keyfile-plugin.conf 


$ file /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf 
/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf: symbolic link to `/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/keyfile-plugin.conf'

# systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

profiles of all connections should belong here:

If necessary delete previously created with 'ifcfg-rh' plugin and re-create now with 'keyfile' plugin enabled.
Whatever you need before, and it was in /etc/sysconfig/, now is only for the purpose of a museum.

If you notice functional deficiencies, do not hesitate to subscribe to:
NetworkManager discussions
and talk to people there.
I recommend.

Corinna, this is for you too.

Welcome to 2015.


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