Fedora-Live-Workstation-x86_64-21-5 on Alienware laptop

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Mon Jan 26 04:29:41 UTC 2015

On 01/25/2015 08:16 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> Searching the dark corners of my mind, I don't really recall that there
> were ever a lot of customizations one could do for a new install. As I
> recall, you had a choice of picking major components or group of
> packages to install, in very broad, and limited categories. You never
> really had a lot of leeway in terms of package selection. The installer
> was primarily occupied with setting up and partitioning the disks, for
> the install.

Actually, I used to be able to decide which groups were installed, which 
weren't and which optional packages in the groups I wanted.  With a Live 
Image, it's all or nothing.

> That's not to say that the spins are perfect. There are some glaring
> holes. I installed the XFCE spin yesterday. You can't configure a
> printer with the XFCE spin, as is.

Oh?  You mean that the web interface at doesn't work?

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