Anaconda illegal address

CLOSE Dave Dave.Close at
Thu Jan 29 20:01:44 UTC 2015

Chris Murphy wrote:

> I mean, when there's a crash libreport should pop up and offer to file
> the bug for you. You need to enter bugzilla credentials and then it
> automatically files the bug details including uploading all files.
> Before it does this, it checks if a bug has already been filed with
> this mechanism so that there aren't duplicates filed. It'll tell you
> the URL for the found bug. You don't have to check, it does it for
> you. If you go to the that bug URL there might be a suggestion how to
> work around it.

No, that doesn't work. There is no provision in the libreport popup for 
passing through a proxy.

> It's a crash. If there isn't already a bug filed then I'd definitely
> say you've hit an edge case.

I agree it's a bug. However, it isn't the bug I originally thought. When 
searching, I had missed BZ 1178320. That report has been closed as 
NOTABUG although it is exactly my issue. I will now open two BZ reports:

1. Anaconda should fail with a useful message when a required address is 

2. Anaconda should not require --gateway or --nameserver for an 
interface with a static configuration. In my case, the static interface 
is secondary (it should not have a gateway) and DNS is already provided 
by the primary DHCP interface.
Dave Close, Thales Avionics, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124, dave.close at

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