Change ip address -

Gordon Messmer gordon.messmer at
Tue Oct 6 19:15:57 UTC 2015

On 10/06/2015 09:13 AM, Robert Nichols wrote:
> It's highly likely that it will simply use its only interface as
> a default route, at least that's the way it worked for the two IP
> cameras I set up that also had an initial IP address of

That's not generally how IPv4 works.  In the simple, most common 
configuration, a device has an address and a netmask.  For a device that 
defaults to, that's probably either /8 or /24.  In that case, 
the device will be able to respond to addresses prefixed with 1.anything 
or 1.1.1.anything, respectively.

It's technically possible that the device could have a direct 
route on its network interface, but it's extremely unlikely. I've never 
seen a device configured that way by default.  (Such a device would try 
to resolve all addresses via ARP.)  If a device were configured that 
way, users probably wouldn't be instructed to use as their own 
address, as Bob was.  And that's really the point: Bob stated the 
requirement that he use as his address, and adding a direct 
route doesn't accomplish that.

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