sshd killed by some update

Ed Greshko ed.greshko at
Mon Oct 12 12:13:35 UTC 2015

On 10/12/2015 07:56 PM, Antonio M wrote:
> my systems are fully updated F22's ....latest updates are two hours old

If you're saying that it was the last set up updates that caused your problem, then you'll have to provide the logs of what packages were updated as I'm sure my system doesn't have the same set of packages as yours.  And you forgot to say what you needed to do to get sshd going again.

Assuming you are using "dnf" you can use the "dnf history" command to see what was done for various updates.  "dnf history info ID" may tell you if a pre or post script failed on update.

My openssh, openssh-clients, and openssh-server were upgraded to 6.9p1-7.fc22 on 2015-10-05 09:51 with no problems.

In reality, some people should stick to running Windows and others should stay away from computers altogether.

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